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  • Query: compstall
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Record Type Title
Collection com-02-02a.jpg Compstall Miscellaneous : Folder 2
Item 1 005.jpg Lecture : Andrews Family & Compstall Mill : Given 1934/5
Item 1 004.jpg Notes on Compstall Mills
Item Newspaper Cuttings relating to well-known Compstall residents.
Collection com-02-02a.jpg Compstall Miscellaneous
Item 1 012.jpg Extract from Mr Thelwall's Book "The Andrews Compstall & their Mill" re non-conformity at Compstall
Item mmr-06-08a.jpg Memories of Compstall 1930's & 40's : Brian Kay
Collection Church funeral expenses.jpg St Paul's Compstall (Anglican) :
Item Scan_20190401 (14).jpg Material relating to subsidence at Compstall : Coal Pit Collapse : 1907
Item 1 013.jpg Memories of Compstall : 1879 - 1963 : Talk
Item CompsMillChim.jpg Photographs taken around Compstall Mill
Collection 1 004.jpg Compstall Miscellaneous : Folder 1
Item 1 002.jpg The Compstall Story by Leslie Rice : 1984
Item 1 014.jpg Newspaper Articles relating to Compstall Area
Item 1 001.jpg Compstall : The Mill and Village : Undated
Item 1 009.jpg Notes of Talk : The Andrews & Compstall their village given by Mr R E Thelwall
Collection coi-01-013a.jpg Compstall Co-operative Industrial Society
Item 1 009.jpg Material on Compstall Hall : Residents and Dates
Collection 1 005.jpg Compstall Mill / Andrew Family
Item 1 002.jpg Compstall & Etherow Country Park Visitor Guide
Item 1 004.jpg Whitebottom Farm, Compstall
Item Scan_20180518.jpg George Andrews, Compstall
Collection coi-01-013a.jpg Compstall Co-operative Industrial Society : Folder 1
Item 25 001.jpg Sherwin Family & Compstall Print Works
Item 1 017.jpg Compstall Memorial Cross